Five down, one to go!

 As your new Assemblymember, I am extremely proud of my six bills that were passed unanimously through the California State Legislature this year. Assembly Bills 381, 419, 502, 543 and 938 have all been signed by the Governor into law, and one other bill is on the Governor’s desk, awaiting his signature.

Assembly Bill 381 – Requires all drug treatment centers to carry opioid overdose emergency medication Naloxone (aka Narcan) on sight at all times and have staff trained on how to administer in case of emergencies.

Assembly Bill 419 – Prohibits a defendant from being told any personally identifying information about a victim or witness of a crime.

Assembly Bill 502 – Streamlines HOA elections by removing the cap on how many units justifies electing board of directors by acclamation.

Assembly Bill 543 – Requires the CSU and UC systems to give information about CalFresh during student orientations.

Assembly Bill 938 – Makes nonsubstantive changes in various provisions of law as recommended by the Legislative Counsel to the Legislature.

In the coming weeks, my capitol and district staff will be researching and crafting bills for next year’s session that will positively impact the lives of our constituents in the 73rd. #CommonSenseSolutions #PublicSafety #District73


Five Down, One to Go