Laurie’s Latest: Reflecting on 2023

This year has been another whirlwind of a year in the State Assembly. We were able to push forth some common-sense measures for California families, while fighting back against legislation that aimed to harm our communities. 

There is plenty more to be done, and as your assemblywoman, I am committed to working on your behalf to ensure California remains a state where families and businesses can live, grow and thrive.

Below is a list of some of our major accomplishments this year. 

I was instrumental in forcing the legislature to take the fentanyl issue seriously, putting in place a special Assembly Public Safety Committee hearing to pass bills related to this crisis.

As a co-author, I worked to help pass Sen. Shannon Grove’s Senate Bill 14, which finally would list the trafficking of a minor as a serious felony. 

I joined my colleagues in writing a letter, urging the governor to switch to the cheaper winter blend of fuel earlier to help combat the soaring gas prices throughout our state. The governor relented in less than 24 hours after we had sent our letter.

After much public outcry and pressure, we urged the governor to veto Assembly Bill 957, which would have allowed courts in divorce proceedings to award custody of a child to the parent who reaffirms a child’s chosen gender-identity. 

In 2022, it was the organizing of public opposition to ACA 11 by our office that helped lead to the defeat of this measure that would have jump-started California’s process to adopt a single-payer style health care system.

As we look ahead to the 2024 legislative season, it is clear that our work is far from over. My commitment to serving the people of California remains unwavering, and our office will tirelessly advocate for policies that benefit every resident of our great state.

Please remember that our office is here to serve. If you have any questions, concerns, or suggestions, do not hesitate to reach out. Your input is invaluable in shaping our efforts to better serve our community.

From my family to yours, I want to wish you a happy and safe holiday season. As always, I am honored to serve you in the State Assembly.

Laurie Davies is a small business owner and former mayor who was elected to the State Assembly in 2020 and reelected in 2022. She represents the 74th Assembly District, which includes Dana Point, Laguna Niguel, San Clemente and San Juan Capistrano in South Orange County—down through Camp Pendleton, and Oceanside, Vista and part of Fallbrook in North San Diego County.